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Why join

Thinking of Joining Troop 3/323?

Former Cub Scouts

Yesterday you were a Cub Scout.  You learned the Cub Scout Promise and the law of the Pack.

The Pack and your parents helped you to make it through the many steps necessary to come to the place you stand at today.  You have chosen to cross over to the Boy Scouts.  Before you are many opportunities to try new and different things.  Along with the a lot of fun you will also have a greater responsibility.  In Scouts, you must learn and live by the Scout Law and the Scout Oath.  As you grow and become a stronger Scout, you must remember your responsibility to the Pack that brought you here.

All Interested Scouts

In BSA Scouts, you will learn to be a leader and an example to those who come after you.  As time passes, you will become more independent and you will learn to make decisions on your own.

Troop 323 and 3323’s Scoutmaster’s job is to assist our Senior Patrol Leader or “SPL”.  The SPL is a Scout elected by the other Scouts to be the leader who runs our Troop.

Most scouts join our Troop in March at our annual “Crossover Camp”.  This is what we call a “car camp” – a camp that we can drive to.  You can bring most anything you want because space and weight are not important.  The Crossover Camp is particularly suitable for parents/guardians/ siblings to attend.  At the camp, former Cub Scouts will cross a ceremonial bridge marking their passage from Cub Scouts to BSA Scouts.   Those who were not in Cub Scouts are welcome to cross the bridge as well.  And those who cannot attend the Crossover Camp are welcome to join our Troop at any other time, too!

When you do join our Troop, each of you will be placed into a Patrol.  We have 4 Patrols – the Falcons, the GORFs, the Trojans, the Nuclear Rubber Duckies.

In Scouts, Patrols are led by Patrol Leaders, elected from within the Patrol by the other Patrol members.  They are assisted by an Assistant Patrol Leader, selected by the Patrol Leader from among the remaining Patrol members.  Patrol Leaders plan and run Patrol meetings.

Each Patrol also has at least one Patrol Counselor/Advisor.  This is an adult who will guide and train the Patrol Leader, and help him to achieve the many things the Patrol plans.

As a Troop, we have many adventures.  We enjoy camping and hiking.  In addition to car camps, we also enjoy backpacking.  This is where you put everything you need into a pack and carry it to a camp site.  It is harder work but far more rewarding since you will get to  see parts of Arizona that most people will never experience.  Some scouts will like one type of outing better than another but you should try them all.

You are probably full of questions – speak to any of our Scouts to find an answer, or contact one of the adult leaders of the Troop or the Scoutmaster.

Good luck and we look forward to your participation in the Troop.

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© 2025 Troops 323 & 3323 Phoenix Arizona - BSA Scouts of America
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