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Tag: Mr Marcon

2022 Eagle Court of Honor

On Saturday, April 30, 2022 at 1:00 pm Troops 3323 and 323 honored 7 scouts that attained their Eagle Scout Rank.

Broc Baney, Houston Hull, Trevor Ceranski, Arjun Phull, Suraj Phull, Ian Marcon, Haydon Evenson

Webster’s dictionary describes an eagle as a large bird of prey with sharp vision and powerful wings, famous for their strength, size, grace, and keen vision. It is the national emblem for the United States. Though the eagle is found throughout the world, it is never found in abundance; it is always rare and it is always a superb specimen.

In Scouting the eagle stands for strength of character, and for knowledge of all phases of Scouting. The eagle represents an understanding of community and nation, and a deep respect for same. The eagle is a symbol of what a young man has done as well as what that young man will do, and will be, when he grows to manhood. The eagle is a leader. The eagle is respected, both by his peers and by his adult leaders.

The EAGLE SCOUT AWARD is the highest award available to youth members of the Boy Scouts of America. It is a recognition by the National Court of Honor, presented through the local council and a local court of honor.

It represents many years of dedicated effort , and the successful completion of a long process which started when the young man became a Boy Scout. It is a demonstration of how people, working together, can truly help mold a young man with a solid sense of leadership, citizenship, and responsibility.

Not every boy, nor every Scout, qualifies for the high rank of Eagle.

The attainment of the Eagle Scout Rank is indeed the highest honor that a Scout may achieve.



Dec. 2021 Special Troop Meeting

This years fun meeting

was helpd at the Troop meeting at Gecko Climbing gym on December 14th. Scouts from both troops challanged themselves on vareous climbing walls and vareous dificulty ratings. Thanks to Mr and Mrs Geer for organizing this event and have a safe and happy holiday season everyone.


Dec. 2021 Bike Outing

The 2021 bike outing was different than past years

due to complications in obtaining a campsite at Mcdowell Mountain Park. Rather than the traditional 2-day event, The PLC opted to hold a single day ride of about 18 miles that started and ended at the Brown Ranch Trailhead. The event offeed challanging trails with many alternative options for riders of all skills. The Troops are looking forward to the 2022 outing and a return to a weekend long event.


Nov. 2021 Survival Outing

2021 participants

Tyler Allred, Houston Hull, Gage Kloft, Colby Schwartz, Mr. Marcon

The Survival Challenge, offered only every 2 years, is a test of your mental, physical and spiritual skills in a challenging “survival situation.”

It is also a Vision Quest, a confrontation with the self, away from others, alone, without screens large and small (tv, computer, cellphones) to distract you from being aware of who you are and who you might be and might become.

The Challenge requires you to stay all alone in a wilderness “survival camp” of your own making for 3 days and 2 nights deep in the Superstitions Wilderness.  You are allowed only the very minimal gear one would bring on a day hike.  You are not allowed a sleeping bag or tent; you can bring only one meal (a “lunch”), and just 2 liters of water.  You carry minimal fire-starting material..  You are allowed no cell phones (or similar).

The purpose of the Challenge is to mimic a typical survival situation in which a hiker gets lost or injured on a day hike and has to survive with his or her day hike gear awaiting rescue, which statistically takes place within 48-72 hours.  At the end of the required time period, the Candidates are “rescued” by members of Troop 323 and friends and family.  You are then required to give your rescuers a one-hour long presentation (timed) on the principles of wilderness survival and how you implemented those principles to “survive.”  This presentation is a key component of the entire weekend.  To teach is to learn twice.

Brown Russell


Sept. 2021 – Paddle Outing to CC Cragin reservoir

This was an overnight “paddle-craft” outing to CC Cragin reservoir where Troop 323 and 3323 put in (to the water) in the late morning of Saturday, Sept.18, and paddle 2 miles to Our campsite. We stay overnight on the shore of the reservoir and paddle back to the take-out on Sunday.

All youth and adult participants had completed the BSA Swim test and be classified as a “Swimmer” to participate in this outing.

Before participating in the paddle-craft outing all youth and adult participants had to demonstrate the ability to control a boat adequately and to return to shore at will.

The Paddle Outing was well attended with 17 scouts and 7 adults participating. The event was filled with fishing swimming splashing and of course paddling.

Later in the afternoon, it rained making for a wet dinner experience. Many scouts took cover in natural rock shelters where they cooked and ate their meals. In the end, all returned without any major incidents.

Thanks, Mr. and Mrs. Geer for organizing this memorable event!!!


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© 2025 Troops 323 & 3323 Phoenix Arizona - BSA Scouts of America
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