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2022 End of Year Outing

A New and Exciting Experience!

The end-of-year trip this year was rafting down the Colorado River around Moab.

On Monday, July 4th (yep, the fourth of July) we drove up to Moab and stayed near Hole in The Rock. The first night, we took it easy, and just hung around camp.

In the morning, we broke down camp, headed to the guide, and loaded our gear. We were bussed out to the start of the tour. Before hopping onto the water, we enjoyed some sandwiches for lunch. Around noon, we got on the water and rafted for a few hours. That night we made camp and had dinner. However, that night took a turn. It rained! Hard! Luckily everyone managed to make it out alive.

On Wednesday, we got up early and hopped on the rafts. This was a long yet fun day. We had so much fun jumping in and out of rafts, squirting and stealing water guns, and taking pictures with the cameras on a more peaceful note, Mr. Phull brought us (thanks for that). Around noon, we stopped for lunch. While lunching we played games and got to know some of the other groups. We rafted to the campsite, and then our day was over.

On our last day with the guides, we rafted till about noon and stopped around noon. We went back to the HQ and took back all our stuff. After, we went to the community center and played in the pool. After the pool, we showered off and headed to dinner. For dinner we got pizza, and it was glorious. We headed back to Hole in The Rock for that night and headed home in the morning.

Give a big thanks to all of the adults, and a special thanks to Mr. Marcon for planning this outing.

Geronimo 2022

The first weekend of June, our troop attended Camp Geronimo. 

It was such a blast. Our troop was camping in campsite 19 alongside troop 7007(seven-double-o-seven). Our troops had some fun times together.  


Saturday was our first day at camp. We left the school around 10:00 AM. When we reached Geronimo, we ate lunch and checked in. We hiked in and dropped our stuff at camp. Then we unpacked the Marcon’s truck and the troop trailer. Then we unpacked our stuff and set up tents. We did the totem-to-totem hike after that. That night, we had a cooking contest, won by the Trojans, with their steak tacos. That night, we had a cracker barrel with the Troop 7007. Around 10:30, we all went to bed. 


On Sunday, did a few very important things. The first thing we did was a flag ceremony with 7007. Then we made breakfast. Once that was finished, our troop went down to the pool to do our swim checks. To complete your check, and get your buddy tag, you must complete a lap of freestyle, and a length of backstroke. When we got back to camp, we made lunch. Lunch was followed by a hike along the Levi Young Trail. That night, we had our first meal in the dining hall, and it was nice to drink something other than water. We attended the campfire and then took to sleep.  


Monday was the first day of Merit Badge classes, and of the trading post, the two best things about Geronimo. We started the day by cleaning up camp. We had to wear Class A to breakfast because of uniform inspection. For the next four hours, our troop split up for MB classes. We regrouped for lunch, and then most of us went horseback riding. We got back pretty late from horses, but still in time for dinner. That night we started the Tiger Eyes trail but went to bed without it completed because it got too late. 


On Tuesday, we got up early to do the Tenderfoot Run, a course of about a mile that weaves through Camp Geronimo. We got back to camp around 6:15 and proceeded to clean our tents before breakfast. We came back after breakfast to clean up the rest of the camp before heading off to class. That afternoon, we all just hung out, mostly at the trading post. That night had no special activity, so we had an earlier bedtime.  


Friday we had Lunch KP duty. Our mornings were the same as the previous two, but we had to cut short our last MB class. In KP, we had to give out boxed lunches to each troop, because the kitchen had to be cleaned. After, we did our service project, cleaning up the trail to our campsite. We then had free time and went to dinner. We had our unit campfire, and finally, that night we completed our night eyes trail, even though it was a little messed up. 


On Thursday, we started our day with the Polar Bear Plunge. The water was really warm. When we got back from the pool we changed into class B, and cleaned up camp, then went to Breakfast. After classes and lunch, we had some free time, before going to the Mogollon Monster Story. Most of us fell asleep during the story. That ended around 10:00, and then we all went to sleep. 


Friday was our last day of MB classes. We started out the day normally. With breakfast, and cleaning up camp. Then we headed off to our final Merit Badge Classes, and then to lunch. That afternoon was pretty light, with some free time. That night we had our closing campfire, marking the end of Camp Geronimo. At the campfire, we won BIG G GOLD, and our troop was recognized for having a lot of participants in the mile swim 


On Saturday morning, we packed up camp and then packed up trucks and trailers. After we ate breakfast and the foxes were sorted into their new patrols. We waited around while the PLC was checking out, and finally, around 11:00 am left Geronimo for the school. 


We would like to thank all of the adults, especially Mr. Geer, who was at Geronimo. Other big thanks go to the PLC, who led us the whole week. This week of Geronimo was really amazing because of all these people!


May 2022 West Clear Creek

Our May outing was a backpacking trip to West Clear Creek.

This historically is a trip used as a beginner backpacking trip however, due to the lack of new scouts, we hiked in and out quickly both days. Most of our time was spent at camp, playing in the water. There is a large red rock that provides a platform about seven feet above the water we jumped from. Our time in camp was very enjoyable, and the weather was perfict.

We would like to thank Mr. Marcon for leading the outing, and to all of the adults present. Also, another shoutout to Beezer who was the SPL for this outing.


2022 Eagle Court of Honor

On Saturday, April 30, 2022 at 1:00 pm Troops 3323 and 323 honored 7 scouts that attained their Eagle Scout Rank.

Broc Baney, Houston Hull, Trevor Ceranski, Arjun Phull, Suraj Phull, Ian Marcon, Haydon Evenson

Webster’s dictionary describes an eagle as a large bird of prey with sharp vision and powerful wings, famous for their strength, size, grace, and keen vision. It is the national emblem for the United States. Though the eagle is found throughout the world, it is never found in abundance; it is always rare and it is always a superb specimen.

In Scouting the eagle stands for strength of character, and for knowledge of all phases of Scouting. The eagle represents an understanding of community and nation, and a deep respect for same. The eagle is a symbol of what a young man has done as well as what that young man will do, and will be, when he grows to manhood. The eagle is a leader. The eagle is respected, both by his peers and by his adult leaders.

The EAGLE SCOUT AWARD is the highest award available to youth members of the Boy Scouts of America. It is a recognition by the National Court of Honor, presented through the local council and a local court of honor.

It represents many years of dedicated effort , and the successful completion of a long process which started when the young man became a Boy Scout. It is a demonstration of how people, working together, can truly help mold a young man with a solid sense of leadership, citizenship, and responsibility.

Not every boy, nor every Scout, qualifies for the high rank of Eagle.

The attainment of the Eagle Scout Rank is indeed the highest honor that a Scout may achieve.



Apr. 2022 outing to Parson Springs

The weekend of April 23, our troop went on our first backpacking trip of 2022. We hiked roughly 4 miles, through very overgrown and washed out land. On the hike in we lost the trail, ALOT! But the way back was easier. We had 20 scouts on this trip! We would like to thank all the adults who came on this outing, and just congratulate everyone for completing this vigorous hike.


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