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Category: Meetings

2022 December fun meeting

Dec 22 Arcade night

This year’s December troop fun meeting was held at Starfighters Arcade. Located at 4840 E. Jasmine St., Mesa, 85205, it was approx 45 minutes away.

All machines are part of a personal collection that grew too big for a warehouse so they rented old office space and set up an arcade with all the games. There are more than 100 upright arcade games and more than forty pinball machines. During the party all games were free to the troop, so no one needed to bring quarters.

Thank you to Wyatt and Ms. Newell for planning such a fun event!!

2022 Planning Retreat

2022 Planning Retreat at R-C Scout Ranch on August 13 & 14.

For the first time in troop history, the well at Bumblebee Ranch ran dry and they had to cancel our reservation. Mr. Geer found alternative accommodations at R-C Scout Ranch where we will spend the weekend in the Van Ness Lodge. The lodge has 6 bedrooms with a total of 32 beds, so everyone was able to sleep in beds.

This is a working weekend where the Scouts spend most of Saturday
determining the troop’s 2023 outings schedule and main events for troop
meetings. There was free-time Saturday afternoon after the planning
session was done. Hiking to Box Canyon, swimming in the swimming hole, and nighttime basketball were all enjoyed by the Scout leadership.

Food was supplied by the troop (planned by Mr. Geer and cooked by the Scouts). Sunday morning the PLC meets to organize the events for September.

It was a treat to hold this special event at a new location. Thanks for the quick planning, Mr. Geer!!!

Dec. 2021 Special Troop Meeting

This years fun meeting

was helpd at the Troop meeting at Gecko Climbing gym on December 14th. Scouts from both troops challanged themselves on vareous climbing walls and vareous dificulty ratings. Thanks to Mr and Mrs Geer for organizing this event and have a safe and happy holiday season everyone.


Sept 2021 Canoeing Workshop

For those who needed some practice time in a canoe or needed to demonstrate the ability to return to shore, The Troop held a paddle craft workshop on Sunday, September 12th at Lake Pleasant.

The plan was to start at 9:00 am and go until noon (or earlier if everyone is able to meet the requirement).  It was an “open house” type format, so come as you are able.

We  met at Lake Pleasant near the Two Cows Cove. We where down by the shoreline north of Desert Tortoise Rd.  We had have 5 canoes and life jackets for those that need them.

2021 BumbleBee Ranch planning meeting

August 14 and 15, the PLC is gathered at Bumble Bee ranch to plan out the calendar of events for 2022.

This is the yearly planning meeting where the PLC and other key scouts are invited to participate in selecting the events for the upcoming year. It’s a busy working weekend. The scouts spend most of Saturday reviewing the idea submitted by the troop at the August troop meeting. They spend time discussing the proposed outing’s travel time, cost, difficulty, and type of event. They then vote on the outing before placing it in an appropriate month based on their discussions and the outings attributes. Once the outings are defined they spend time planning meetings that help the troop prepare for the upcoming outings. They also look for opportunities to schedule other activities like the yearly December Fun troop outing.

Along with all the planning, the scouts also share the responsibility of cooking and cleanup for themselves and the Adult leadership. They enjoy some free time swimming listening to music hanging out and in the evening they gather for movies and popcorn.

Sunday after breakfast the PLC takes advantage of being together and holds the PLC meeting for August and finalizes details for the upcoming month. After that is finished they clean up and head home knowing that next year is now planned for the troop.

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