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2022 End of Year Outing

A New and Exciting Experience!

The end-of-year trip this year was rafting down the Colorado River around Moab.

On Monday, July 4th (yep, the fourth of July) we drove up to Moab and stayed near Hole in The Rock. The first night, we took it easy, and just hung around camp.

In the morning, we broke down camp, headed to the guide, and loaded our gear. We were bussed out to the start of the tour. Before hopping onto the water, we enjoyed some sandwiches for lunch. Around noon, we got on the water and rafted for a few hours. That night we made camp and had dinner. However, that night took a turn. It rained! Hard! Luckily everyone managed to make it out alive.

On Wednesday, we got up early and hopped on the rafts. This was a long yet fun day. We had so much fun jumping in and out of rafts, squirting and stealing water guns, and taking pictures with the cameras on a more peaceful note, Mr. Phull brought us (thanks for that). Around noon, we stopped for lunch. While lunching we played games and got to know some of the other groups. We rafted to the campsite, and then our day was over.

On our last day with the guides, we rafted till about noon and stopped around noon. We went back to the HQ and took back all our stuff. After, we went to the community center and played in the pool. After the pool, we showered off and headed to dinner. For dinner we got pizza, and it was glorious. We headed back to Hole in The Rock for that night and headed home in the morning.

Give a big thanks to all of the adults, and a special thanks to Mr. Marcon for planning this outing.

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